Friday 7 August 2015

True Grit

I just received an email from Ryan Levesque recommending that I watch a six minute video from the TED Talks Series. Two things When Ryan recommends something I pay attention I invest a fair bit of time watching TED talks for information, innovation and inspiration So, watching this video was a no-brainer.  I m really glad I did it explains a lot about why people are successful I d love to hear your views on the above video. Please comment below

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Neuro Linguistic Programming - Articles

Here are a few interesting Neuro Linguistic Programming articles..

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is a model that maps the way we think, helping us to understand how our thinking generates our behaviour, and assists us through this understanding to generate better success in our lives in all areas ...

NLP And Neuro Linguistic Programming For Health And Wellness

Article Directory: offers more information about NLP as well as different NLP techniques, for more useful tips about neuro linguistic programing visit us today!

How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Brilliant Day in 3 Easy Steps..

Use some NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). One of my favorite NLP exercises is…this:. Play the incident back in your head (the one that’s upsetting you)..clearly remember the person who has pissed you off… ...

An Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP, was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s. What started out as a study of why some very successful psychotherapists were so effective turned into its own method for ...

Tell me about your favourite NLP articles, post your suggestions in the comments section below..

Neuro Linguistic Programming - Online Resources

Here is a list of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) resources that you may find interesting..

Introducing NLP

When I first read about NLP, it seemed to offer some insight into these subjects and thus I started reading the book. But after having read the book, I’m unsure. This book was written mainly for psychotherapists, who can use techniques ...

A Simplified Explanation of NLP

This article was written by Hugh Comeford of NLP Centres Canada and posted on Facebook. NLP is a set of tools and processes extracted originally in the 1970s from the world of ‘brief therapy’. The originators of NLP studied therapists ...

Building Rapport and Having Fun With NLP

I’ve been getting more into NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming in the last few years. I’ve learned a lot from my my teacher and Yoda Michael Pollack, and another great resource is NLP Marin. I get excited when I see others who have ...

Using NLP for Business Success - Neurolinguistic Programing

Business professionals face challenging people and events everyday. They may ask how they can better relate to their client(s), give a more dynamic presentation or simply, get better results. The answer is clear: Neurolinguistic ...

Life just get better with NLP

I don’t need prayer. I know God always want to help us. Everytime we don’t get “prayer answer” is because our mouth damaged the miracle. NLP is a tools to help you say the right word and create the heaven you always dream of. ...

NLP is a facinating topic and, suprisingly, there are a diverse range of perspecyives and meanings